

1. Double Hernia
2. Double Dater
3. Double DNA (Dumb Bitch, I'll take your kidneys)
4. Double Trouble
5. In Over MY HEAD!



1. Oh, Youth!  I'll never say aloud how much I torture you.  You are constantly failing and you will kill me.
2. Oh, Love!  You use me more than I use your aftermath, your products.  Who are you and why won't you let me sit next to you at the table?
3. Oh, Word Play!  I'm using you, I think.
4. Oh, Circulation!  You aren't what you used to be, I'm sure.
5. Oh, Seven!  What makes you so damn lucky?
6. Oh, Lord!  Shine your light into my heart, so I may be like you.  And if you have children, then nevermind.
7. Oh, Honesty!  You are the best policy!  This is why I must avoid you.
8. Oh, Friends!  Oh.
9. Oh, Trouble!  You are encoded in my genes.  You're on the same gene that dictates glucose reception, eyelash length, and my propensity for asking questions.
10. Oh, No!  You!


Karma Repair Kit: Items 1-4

1. Get enough food to eat,
         and eat it.

2. Find a place to sleep where it is quiet,
         and sleep there.

3. Reduce intellectual and emotional noise
        until you arrive at the silence yourself,
        and listen to it.

A poem by Richard Brautigan