
The Spring Semester's Competition (In Chronological Order)

1. Northern Pikes
2. !!!!!!!!!
3. Starting homework twelve hours late
4. Deactivating
6. On the beach
7. Broke and swarmed by flies in every which way
8. Figuring out what I want, resulting in suicide
9. Deep, DEEP holes.  CHAMP.
10. A failing body.  Youth, I'll never know say aloud how much I torture you.
12. Making pie of possibilities and honey.
13. Beefin' up.
14. Once, twice, three times the lady.  And by lady I mean bacterial throat infection.
15. Adulterating, combining stages, vitamins, lofty ideals, craftsmanship, and a pinch of siamese cats into myself.  A word to the wise: Quit admiring God's work.


Unknown said...

16. Fashions

Unknown said...

i don't know what a chatbook is !
But i'm always down for makin' artworks

Unknown said...

that sounds like a boat load of fun

Jimmy said...

i like your lists. i make them too sometimes.
17. Admiring art works.